Transient drainage processes
Transient drainage processes are taken into consideration e.g.:
- when deciding on the dimensions of storage reservoirs
- in the design of bottom outlets in dams
- when water flows out of a basin into a pipe
- when two fluids with different speeds meet each other

HM 250.06
Free discharge
Recording the trajectory of the water jet and discharge coefficients at different outlet velocities.

HM 150.09
Horizontal flow from a tank
Recording the trajectory of the water jet at different outlet velocities.

HM 150.12
Vertical flow from a tank
Determination of pressure losses and contraction coefficient for different outlet contours.

HM 150.14
Vortex formation
Free and forced vortex; point gauges to detect surface profiles.

HM 143
Transient drainage processes in storage reservoirs
Demonstration of the function of a rainwater retention basin and a storage lake.