Flow in pipe systems
Pipe systems are generally used to transport fluids. When flowing through a pipe the friction causes the pressure energy of the fluid to fall and the internal energy of the fluid to increase.

HM 222
Air flow in pipes and pipe elements
Resistances and losses in laminar and turbulent pipe flow.

HM 250.08
Losses in pipe elements
Influence of flow velocity on pressure loss, didactically successive pipe sections.

HM 250.09
Fundamentals of pipe friction
Pipe friction for laminar / turbulent flow, Reynolds number and pipe friction factor.

HM 250.10
Pressure curve along the inlet section
Friction losses in the inlet as well as with different pipe geometries and surface roughnesses.

HM 150.11
Losses in a pipe system
Influence of flow velocity on pressure loss.

HM 150.29
Energy losses in piping elements
Pressure losses in various pipe fittings and in the ball valve.

HM 111
Pipe networks
Pressure losses at various piping elements and pipe networks; parallel and series connection of pipe sections.

HM 112
Fluid mechanics trainer
Interchangeable measuring objects and different pipe sections.

HM 120
Losses in pipe elements
Investigation of flow and pressure losses in different pipe sections.

HM 122
Pressure losses in pipes
Experimental determination of important coefficients related to pressure loss in various pipe systems.

HM 124
Fluid mechanics experimental plant
Investigations on centrifugal pumps, control valves, piping and fittings. Large scale industrial components and high-quality instrumentation deliver realistic measurement results.

HM 102
Installation technology: losses in different pipes
Investigation of the pressure difference in four equal-length pipe sections made of different materials.

HM 103
Installation technology: losses in pipe bends
Investigation of the pressure loss at pipe elements with different changes in pipe direction and materials.

HL 111
Installation technology: losses in straight pipes
Determining the pressure loss in an open pipe section.

HM 113
Installation technology: losses in valves and fittings
Investigation of the pressure loss of standard valves and fittings.

HM 210
Installation technology: losses in a pipe system
Investigation of pressure losses at contractions, pipe angles, pipe bends, valves and fittings and pipe elements.