Application technology for wind power plants
Components for power transmission and machine safety.

ET 222
Wind power drive train
Experiments on conversion of rotational energy into electrical energy.

ET 224
Operating behaviour of wind turbines
Characteristic and control on a wind power drive train.

AT 200
Determination of gear efficiency
Test system for determining mechanical drive and braking efficiency for spur and worm gears.

GL 210
Dynamic behaviour of multistage spur gears
Investigation of the dynamics of rotation of one-, two- and three-stage spur gear units.

GL 212
Dynamic behaviour of multistage planetary gears
Investigation of rotational dynamics of a two-stage epicyclic gear with three planetary gears each.

PT 500
Machinery diagnostic system, base unit
Base unit for setting up wide ranging experiments in machinery diagnostics using modular accessory sets.

PT 500.11
Crack detection in rotating shaft kit
Vibrational behaviour of a shaft with a radial crack.

PT 500.12
Roller bearing faults kit
Assessment of bearing condition by vibration analysis.

PT 500.15
Damage to gears kit
Vibration analysis of gearing damage.

PT 500.19
Electromechanical vibrations kit
Investigation of vibrational behaviour of an electric motor.